Dominion Compendium

Village Square Decks

Bureaucrat BCRT

Cost 4, Gain a silver card; put it on top of your deck. Each other player reveals a Victory card from his hand and puts it on his deck (or reveals a hand with no Victory cards).

Cellar CLLAR

Cost 2, +1 Action Discard any number of cards. +1 Card per card discarded.

Festival FSTVL

Cost 5, +2 Actions, +1 Buy; +$2.

Library LBRY

Cost 5, Draw until you have 7 cards in hand. You may set aside any Action cards drawn this way, as you draw them; discard the set aside cards after you finish drawing.

Market MARKT

Cost 5, 1 cart, 1 action, 1 buy, 1 Copper

Remodel RMDL

Cost 4. Trash cards, get cards 2 cost levels above trashed cards.

Smithy SMTHY

Cost 4. 3 Cards.

Throne Room THRONE

Cost 4, Choose an Action card in your hand. Play it twice.

Woodcutter WDCT

Cost 3. 1 Buy, 2 Treasure.