Dominion Compendium

Trash Heap Decks

Chapel CHAPL

Cost 2, Trash up to 4 cards from your hand.


Cost 4, Trash this card. Gain a card costing up to $5.

Festival FSTVL

Cost 5, +2 Actions, +1 Buy; +$2.

Market MARKT

Cost 5, 1 cart, 1 action, 1 buy, 1 Copper


Cost 5 Trash treasure card and add next tier treasure card to hand.

Moneylender MONEY

Cost 4, Trash a Copper from your hand. If you do, +$3.

Remodel RMDL

Cost 4. Trash cards, get cards 2 cost levels above trashed cards.

Woodcutter WDCT

Cost 3. 1 Buy, 2 Treasure.

Workshop WKSHP

Cost 3. Gain card costing up to 4.