Dancing Flower

A fun little dancing flower boogying in its flower pot. It's wearing shades and a goofy smile on its face and the stem/body is swaying off to the left of the screen before curving back into the flower pot.

Not only was this a cute little sketch involving some subtle advanced SVG grouping and Use Element techniques, but eventually projects such as this could lend themselves to SVG animation by adding in a little JavaScript and some interactivity. The flower may be caught frozen in one position for now, but I may be able to get it to dance for real soon enough!

Download the Dancing Flower SVG file

A cute dancing flower. The head of the flower has 12 rounded rectangular petals around a circular face. The flower has sunglasses on and has a big smiling mouth. The stem of the flower curves out to the left of the screen before ending back in a tiny flower pot, emulating the flower swaying it's hips. Two horizontal leaf arms are sticking out of the apex of the stem body bend.