It’s been a long while since I’ve update and posted to this blog. I just rebuilt it all and backdated all the posts to when I originally posted them, with the exception of the dating primer since it’s fun to have that front and center!
In an insane nutshell, 2019 was a ridiculous year for us. We went to Disneyland in February, then our landlady served us with a Tenancy Termination at the end of March, attended NFB in Las Vegas in July, got our finances and credit in order throughout the summer while attending Below Market Rate classes in San Francisco, received our Displaced Tenant Housing Preference, fought the eviction all the way through October, settled and had to move out by January 31 of 2020, searched high and low for housing, decided buying was better than renting, checked out tons of houses, Amy and I got married amidst the housing hunt and had an amazing time with friends and family, put in an offer on a condo, got outbid, had an offer accepted at another house, pulled out after the inspection, put in an offer on a third house, and it got accepted and that is where we are living today! Aack!
We also attended one of the most brilliant and hard-fought hockey games in the entire existence of the San Jose Sharks, ubiquitously now known as just “Game 7” amongst us fans and practically all other people in the know around the league.
The marriage was beautiful and took place at La Playa in Carmel, with the reception in the very same room where Steve Jobs debuted the Macintosh computer back in 1983.
The trials and tribulations of moving and considering entirely new areas to live while blind were severely traumatic and made all of last year extremely stressful, but Amy got me through everything and was an absolute rock getting us ready to buy a house and succeeding! Will detail this all out in later posts, but now is as good a time as any to recount it all and get this blog back up and running while we all wait in our homes to get the all clear to move about again.
TL;DR: Amy and I suffered through an Owner Move In Eviction, got married, bought a house in Oakland, moved, and all matter of madness surrounded us through it all.